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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Janmashtami dress up!!

Festivals have a great impact on us. on the day, each one would be so decked up and all religious. So, I went to this temple like every year on 'Janmashtmi' , and what caught my eye was, the makeup!! and how gaudy everyone looked. I almost had an attack, such dramatically people in the crowd were dressed ,as if some wedding they came to attend. The actors ,who dressed up as my most lovely God, Lord Krishna, were looking as if they were painted white , but they weren't it was the foundation they used, which made them look so scary ,honestly. Simplicity would have done just fine with those costumes.
But, the people. all pancaked, heavily dressed, I still can't shake them off from my mind. I m going to sound rude, but it did crack me up. The whole aura of the place got secluded into too much crowd over dressy-ness. I couldn't stop myself from talking about it. Next time people ,try to keep it a little low, too much of anything is dangerous.
and yes, this is what I do when I go to places, I notice things and then make a point of never doing that again!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hype of the first post!

Ever since I thought of writing a blog, the whole first impression is the last impression thing has been haunting me. I could all think of what should be my first post about? then I thought why not about , the beginning of a blog ? a first post! So, this is my first post ever for this blog and I am able to breathe just perfectly ad evenly. I mean I didn't faint or die of panic because suddenly when I have to write and it involves people I think I have a brain-is-frozen syndrome. I just hope this is normal. Isn't it?
okay let's get to work now. My following posts would discuss makeup, my views and obviously events in and around our lives, a girl's cry to just feel fine and be happy sort of things, and makeup, makeup and more of it. Thenx!! stay tuned ..tadaa! ur views will be welcomed too..if you have any ;)

It is the beginning , and not an end..follow me people to know the trend!!!